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Governor of Illinois - Ballotpedia.
Illinois governors race.Pritzker vs. Bailey: Who Did Your County Vote For in the Illinois Governor's Race? Here's a Map
Pritzker Democratic. The Illinois gubernatorial election took place on November 8,to elect the governor of Illinoisconcurrently with the Illinois general election. Gubernatorial candidates ran on tickets with candidates for lieutenant governor.
The incumbent governor and lieutenant governor, first-term Democrats J. In the general election, Pritzker won re-election with This was the best raw percentage of the vote received by a Democrat for governor since The overall margin of victory in for Pritzker was Pritzker's victory was once again the result of a strong performance in the Chicago metropolitan area —containing a majority of the state's population—winning a lopsided victory in strongly Democratic Cook Countythe home of Chicagoas well as winning all but one of the illinois governors race collar counties.
Subsequently, Bailey was illinois governors race to flip the counties of AlexanderFulton адрес, JacksonKnoxand Winnebago which Pritzker previously won, while Pritzker managed to flip McLean county, marking the first time since that it has voted for a Democrat in illinois governors race gubernatorial election.
Pritzker was the first Illinois governor to serve a full term and get reelected for a second since Rod Blagojevich in If Pritzker serves the entirety of his term, he would become the first Democratic governor in the state's history to serve two full four-year terms, as every other Democratic governor had either been impeached, died or resigned before finishing their second term. The primaries and general elections will coincide with those for federal congressional racesthe state's U.
Senate raceand those for other state offices. The election will be part of the Illinois elections. The primary election was held on June W Withdrawn. Jump to content Navigation. Help Learn to illinois governors race Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title.
Go to top. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history. More Read Edit View history. Election for Governor of Illinois. For related races, see United States gubernatorial elections. Federal government. Presidential elections Dem Dem Rep Dem Rep Dem Rep Dem Rep Illinois governors race. Senate elections sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp U. House elections 6th sp 6th sp AL sp 10th sp 18th sp 4th sp AL sp 2nd sp 4th sp 19th sp 7th sp 7th sp 13th sp 6th sp 15th sp 7th sp 5th sp 10th sp 1st sp 14th sp 21st sp 15th sp 2nd sp 1st 14th sp 5th sp 17th 2nd sp 18th sp Illinois governors race government.
Ballot measures and referendums. General elections Mayoral elections sp sp sp Aldermanic elections Municipal elections Cook County. County elections Map legend. Pritzker incumbent Juliana Stratton incumbent. Representatives Mary Illinois governors raceU. Representative from Illinois's 15th congressional district —present [34] State legislators Jeanne Ivesformer state representative —вот ссылка for governor in and nominee for Illinois's 6th congressional district in [35] Chris Millerstate representative —present [34] Organizations Illinois Illinois governors race Action [36] Illinois Federation for Right to Life [37] Illinois Citizens for Life [37].
Senators Mark Kirkformer U. Senator from Illinois — and нажмите чтобы перейти U. Representative from Illinois's 10th congressional district — [38] Tim ScottU. Senator from South Carolina —present and former U.
Representative from South Carolina's 1st congressional district — [38] U. Representatives John Shimkusformer U. Representative from Illinois's 15th congressional district illinois governors race [38] U. Attorneys Dan Webbformer U. Senate and U. Executive Branch officials Michael Flynnformer U.
Newspapers Chicago Tribune [45]. Darren Bailey Stephanie Trussell. Richard Irvin Avery Bourne. Paul Schimpf Carolyn Schofield. Representatives Tulsi Gabbardformer Illinois governors race.
Representative from Illinois's 15th congressional district —present [34] State legislators Dan Illinois governors raceminority leader of the Illinois Illinois governors race —present illinois governors race state senator —present [81] Jeanne Ivesformer state representative —candidate for governor illinois governors race and nominee for Illinois's 6th congressional district in [35] Chris Millerподробнее на этой странице representative —present [34] Organizations Illinois Family Action [36] Illinois Federation for Right to Life [37] Illinois Citizens for Life [37] Illinois Fraternal Order of Police [82] A Brotherhood Aimed Towards Education of Illinois [83].
Hypothetical polling. Pritzker vs. Swing by county Legend. Trend by county Legend. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved August 20, July 19, illinois governors race Посетить страницу July 19, Chicago Sun Times. March 30, Equality Illinois. Retrieved May 1, Retrieved June 4, Retrieved May 21, Illinois State Board of Elections. Retrieved July 28, Darren Bailey wins GOP primary for governor".
June 28, Darren Bailey announces governor run, pledges to fight 'political elites' ". Retrieved February 22, Chicago Sun-Times. Capitol Fax. Retrieved February 8, Politico Illinois Playbook.
Retrieved January 10, Retrieved March 6, Retrieved January 11, Retrieved September 7, Sullivan for Illinois. September 7, Far-right conspiracy theorists knocked off Illinois Illinois governors race primary illinois governors race — but they insist 'We are not done' ". The State Journal-Register. Retrieved November 30, Adam Kinzinger has battled Trump and his fellow Republicans.
Illinois governors race deep blue Illinois, could that be a strategy for higher office? The Hill. Archived from the original on April 1, Retrieved June 21, Archived from the original on April saww california compensation, Retrieved April 19, Adam Kinzinger leading the fundraising pack in 16th District".
Kinzinger to focus on fighting right-wing extremism, won't run for governor or Senate".
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